In SQL Developer Data Modeler you have Libraries under the meny Tools -> Design Rules and Transformations. But when you select that one you may have seen this error message:
Notice the second line with Jruby lib is red. This is because the JRuby is not installed (or cannot be found) on your machine.
I found the solution to this in Heli’s book on SQL Developer Data Modeler, but thought I could add the easy way to solve this on your Mac. You need to download an extension to your JDK installation. A jar-file can be downloaded from (There are two main versions, I decided to go for the the 1.X one). Look for the jar-file, currently I downloaded jruby-complete-1.7.23.jar.
You need to figure out where to put this jar file. In SQL Developer Data Modeler, check your java.library.path setting by going to Help -> About. Then click on the Properties tab. There are a lot of them, so in stead of scrolling down, start writing in the search field “java.l” as shown:
In my case, one of the directories in the search path is /Users/oisene/Library/Java/Extensions. It did not exist on my system, so I created it and copied the downloaded Jruby jar file into this directory. After a restart of SQL Developer Data Modeler you can go to Tools -> Design Rules and Transformations -> Libraries to verify that you no have the error message and the line with Jruby lib is black.