
When I had my first Oracle DBA course some years before the start of this millennium I made a special mental note about a very common error message, ORA-00942, “table or view does not exist”.

At UKOUG Tech conference in Liverpool last year I had an interesting talk with a DBA that had two years of experience. Being 23 years the DBA naturally stood out from the crowd. I talked about my thoughts on what is important for a DBA, and since I spend way too much on user group activities and conferences I argued that going to such events are useful for a DBA, and continued with other ramblings about what I think is important for a DBA to do. I hope I stopped soon enough, but stop talking and…

OSL - CPH - SFO. Starting on my route in a few hours. Really look forward to see tweeps and a bunch of people from the worldwide Oracle community. Lots of good presentations of course, but also bloggers' meetup, Oaktable world, RAC Attack, Anchor Steam, and more.