
Oracle Database 12.2 became available for download last week. This weekend I’ve been playing with Docker and created a container with it. The whole process is so easy, thanks to the work by Gerald Venzl at Oracle. You’ll find all the information you need in his blog post. Though the post is for version, the dockerfiles have already been updated for, and you can download it from Github using the link he provides in the post.

At UKOUG Tech conference in Liverpool last year I had an interesting talk with a DBA that had two years of experience. Being 23 years the DBA naturally stood out from the crowd. I talked about my thoughts on what is important for a DBA, and since I spend way too much on user group activities and conferences I argued that going to such events are useful for a DBA, and continued with other ramblings about what I think is important for a DBA to do. I hope I stopped soon enough, but stop talking and…

The garbage in this case is the recycle bin in the database. Just as in any tidy house you should not wait too long before you empty the garbage bin. I’ve come across two reasons to empty it.

Any database that has gone into production is a legacy database according to Tom Kyte. I agree, but to me some databases give me associations to legacy more often than others. In a post at the OraStory blog Dom complains about companies that hire contractors for a maximum of one year, and due to the fact that it takes half a year to understand the business and the data, you hardly get to show what you can deliver.